Classic Car Online Auctions
About us
Getyourclassic brings all the thrill of the classic car auctions for everyone online. Bid and sell wherever you are with our auction system, run by a team of international experts and highly experienced professionals.
Our team
Behind Getyourclassic is a team of experts who value items, answer questions from potential buyers and sellers.
Our team is responsible for conducting the auctions and our marketing department publicizes the auctions and writes the descriptions.
Network of experts
Getyourclassic relies on a global network of experts who are specialists in a variety of different categories. All have enjoyed long careers as collectors, dealers or experts in their respective fields and are devoted to their specialist subjects.
Our network of experts offers a clear advantage to users: access to accurate valuations. In today’s global marketplace, we often see apparently worthless Cars sell for record sums at auction. We are dedicated to honesty and transparency. Our Team finds a correct Market price, works out a correct and informative description and together with the registered users that comment on the auctioned cars, the buyer knows exactly what he is bidding for.
What makes us different?
- We precheck all Cars through our admission form. We describe and represent every car as honest as possible
- We engage that buyers, sellers and bystanders to communicate and interact through our Comments section
- Auction extension. As soon as a new Bid is done within the last 2 minutes of the auction, the auction extends to another 2 minutes. So everyone has enough time to rethink his max bid.
After the Auction, the seller and the buyer receive each other’s contact details to finalice the Deal. Â
How it works
Everybody is free to search through the Auctions, look at the pictures and read the Comments. If you want to be part of the conversation, you need to create an Account and Log In. As soon as you find what you like and want to start bidding, we need your Purchase Details.
First, to prove that you are Human and secondly to finalize the Auction in case you were the highest bidder. The Current Bid is shown in the Cars Details. You receive information via mail or SMS Service if you were Outbid. The auction extends by 2 minutes after the last bid, so that everybody has the chance to rethink and make a Final Bid.
If you are the happy winner of the Auction, you will get an eMail with the Sellers Details and a 9,6% commission will be deducted from your Credit Card on file.
Selling on Getyourclassic
Weekly auctions: Getyourclassic carries out auctions several times per week, usually starting and ending on weekdays. They are exclusive to the internet. Verified bidders can bid directly via a computer or mobile device. Our Cars sold through Getyourclassic always starting at €1.
At our weekly auctions, you’ll find rarities, collectables, daily drivers, race cars and more, at very fair prices. To approve your Car for an auction, you first have to send it via our Submission Form. Our Team reviews your Submissions and follows up within 48 hours. Our Getyourclassic experts are responsible for providing accurate valuations and help taking photos and accurate descriptions of your Car for the auctions.
There’s no Classic our experts can’t value – whether it’s a Concours winner, a Race Car, a Barnfind, a Special or a Rustbucket. There is a Market for everything. The Getyourclassic experts are all specialists in their respective fields, with years of experience working in association with museums, collections and similar organisations.
Buying on Getyourclassic
Fascinating Cars from private sellers at exciting prices – there are all kinds of treasures to discover on Getyourclassic. Bidding at auction carries with it the thrill of the unknown – no-one knows what the outcome will be.
At Getyourclassic, our auctions are overseen by experts, specialists and the community. We also operate a policy of low starting prices to encourage users to join in the bidding. Auction stories produce moments of real magic – and they happen all the time at Getyourclassic. Just create an Account, Log In and start bidding.