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1954 Opel Olympia Rekord

  • unrestored
  • 2 Owners
  • 25000km

Winning Bid: 7.800,00

Buyer's Premium

The competition was shocked when the new Opel Olympia Rekord was unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show in March 1953, not so much because of its modern pontoon shape, but mainly because of its competitive price, which was only slightly higher than the VW Beetle. For a car that was positioned at least one class higher.

Opel Olympia Rekord (1953) – Präsentation auf er Automobilausstellung in Frankfurt
© Copyright / Fotograf: GM Corporation / Opel


The post-war period was not an easy one for car manufacturers in Germany, even Opel still produced mainly the cars that had come off the assembly line in the 1930s, the Beetle was also a pre-war invention. But the customers became more demanding and also more numerous. In 1953, Germany was still completely underpowered in comparison to other countries; there were 37 inhabitants per car in West Germany, 21 in Switzerland, 15 in Great Britain and just three in the United States. No wonder, if American ideas were to make things right for Opel in Germany, and the Olympic record presented at the 1953 Frankfurt Motor Show was a big hit.


Opel Olympia Rekord (1953) – mit Pontonkarosserie
© Copyright / Fotograf: GM Corporation / Opel

This 1954 Opel Olympia Rekord was bought new in 1954 at the Opel Dealer Walter Rudhart in Hannover. It was driven rarely from the 1.7.1954 onwards so that it only collected 22.000 km over the period of 62 years until the second and present owner purchased the little Opel.


Within the 62 years, it was Serviced and maintained regularly which can be seen in the Overall condition and the Service Book.

The Present Owner added Headrests to the Front Seat to increase the Passengers Security.

Additional the Rust and Accident-Free Body received a new Paint in the Original Colour on the outside. The Interior was kept completely original, which you see on the Seats. They show some slight signs of their age.

The last TÜV was done in 2016 when the owner purchased the vehicle. Since then he added just a few Kilometres to the Car, summing up to 24.885 km.

This is a rare opportunity to purchase a rust-free unrestored Opel Olympia Rekord from the first Series.

After the successful auction, the Opel will receive fresh TÜV







Olympia Rekord






inline 4


1488 ccm



Engine Number






Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Highest bidder was: C.G.

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
C.G. 15. December 2020 19:52 7.800,00
Hulot 15. December 2020 19:18 7.620,00
C.G. 13. December 2020 00:19 6.500,00
Papillon 11. December 2020 23:57 5.600,00
C.G. 10. December 2020 23:47 4.500,00
Hulot 10. December 2020 12:14 4.100,00
Lederzeit 30. November 2020 21:07 3.000,00
Auction started 28. November 2020 12:00

Buyer's Premium

Buyer's Premium 1,00

Talk about it

4 years 3 months ago

Unbelievable. Is the low mileage confirmed?

4 years 3 months ago

unrestored ?

4 years 2 months ago

Unrestored, but repainted? Somehow does not sound logical, new paint is a part of the restoration process.

4 years 2 months ago

Hello @FiatPlus a repaint is not considered a restoration. Restoration means removing, replacing, or repairing the parts of a vehicle.
It would be misleading to say, it is an untouched unrestored Car. Hope that helps to understand our description.

4 years 2 months ago

Back in those years polishing method were not that good, fine or individual as nowadays. It often happened that polishing lead down to the bare metal. So lots of times people who took very well care of their loved cars just decided to put a repaint on top to protect their “family member”. Never forget: back then you bought a car for a lifetime and did not lease it for a quick period.
So I just think it is part of the cars history and as an untouched she probably wouldn’t have survived.
Let’s celebrate that beauty survivor.

4 years 2 months ago

45000.- Euro? Hoax!

4 years 2 months ago

no, that was a clear mistake by the Bidder, he informed us and we cleared the mistake. Current bid is now correctly at 4.500,-

4 years 2 months ago

Does anybody have experience with those models? How about relyability? How about parts? Can any mechanic service this car? I have no experience in owning a classic, and before bidding I need clearence. My granddad used to drive this Olympia. To me, as a non mechanic, she looks beautiful.
Thx for helping!

4 years 2 months ago

Dear Papillon, the first version of the Opel Olympia became very rare. So getting spare Parts is not the easiest. Like with a Beetle. Therefore its better to invest in a well maintained and serviced Car. The reliability is very good as they were built to last. We have a network of Mechanics that we can recommend, depending on where you are located. This Car is ready to jump in and drive and comes with fresh TÜV.

4 years 1 month ago

Es ist zweifelsohne ein schöner Wagen mit sehr guter Substanz, aber:
Er ist neu lackiert und auch an den Achsen unten ist z.B. Sprühnebel zu erkennen.
Er ist im Detail ungepflegt: Keine inneren Türkeder sondern Gummidichtungen, Kofferraumdichtung desolat, Gummimatten ungepflegt, Kotflügelschraubkanten und Ecken im Motorraum rostig und überlackiert, Verschluß der hinteren Ausstellfenster fehlt, und er hatte einen größeren Wassereinbruch hinten und an den Türen (Zustand Fensterdichtgummis?).
Kosmetische Dinge – ja, aber auch aufwändig und teuer zu reparieren. Stoffe für z.B. die verschlissene hintere Sitzbank gibt es gar nicht mehr.
Mechanik: Läuft die HA sauber und ohne heulen ? Lenkradspiel ok ? Funktionieren Gebläse und Heizung?
Danke für Beantwortung meiner Fragen!

4 years 1 month ago

Hallo @Hulot, es freut uns das du den Wagen so im Detail angesehen hast und die für Dich wichtigen Dinge erkennen konntest. Es ist uns wichtig genau diese Details zu zeigen. Eben auch die unschönen. Nur so kann man sich ein realistisches Bild über den Gesamtzustand machen. Wir bemühen uns stetig die Seite weiter zu entwickeln und auf die Wünsche unserer Bieter einzugehen. Wir werden in Zukunft vermehrt Fahrvideos (Geräusche), Kompressionstest, Lackschichtenprüfung mit in die Beschreibung aufnehmen um ein noch genaueres Bild von dem Fahrzeug darzustellen.